National Bible Bee Competition Offers Fun for the Whole Family

by Ken Ham on October 13, 2016
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

One of the most exciting experiences of my travels is getting to meet young people who love the Lord and dedicate themselves to His Word. Well, in November I’ll be doing just that at the National Bible Bee Competition (NBBC) in San Antonio, TX.

Hundreds of Christian families will gather November 16–20 as their children showcase a passion for and knowledge of the Bible. This competition challenges young people to study and hide God’s Word in their hearts (Psalms 119:11).

These families will have the opportunity for fun and togetherness while also hearing God’s Word. They’ll also be able to tour a special exhibit from The Museum of the Bible, seeing priceless historical artifacts and experiencing the Bible’s influence through time. (The Museum of the Bible opens in Washington, DC, at the end of 2017. There is also an outstanding Bible exhibit in our Ark Encounter sponsored by The Museum of the Bible).

For the celebration night of NBBC, I’ll be the keynote speaker at a special dinner, alongside Steve Green, president of Hobby Lobby. I’d love to see you there!

I’m told there’s a square dance afterward, which is a dance (believe it or not!) that we have in Australia! You’ll have to be there to find out if this Aussie will, as they say, break out his moves! (Now, it’s not likely! I’ll just use my chronic back problem as an excuse!)

Plan to attend this family-friendly, God-honoring event in beautiful San Antonio (with its wonderful River Walk area), but hurry because registration ends this Saturday, October 15.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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