Ark Encounter Fame Around the World

by Ken Ham on August 4, 2016
Featured in Ken Ham Blog

Media coverage of the Ark Encounter in Northern Kentucky has been widespread. We’ve had media come here from across the world, and have seen and heard stories about the Ark in many languages. And we’ve had guests visit from all around the globe, including Haiti, Togo, India, Kuwait, Estonia, and Uganda, and, of course, Canada and Mexico. We also anticipate people from many other countries visiting in the coming months.

Well, one of our faithful employees Deb Minnard, who alongside her husband serves with the Foto FX souvenir photo service here at the Creation Museum and at the Ark Encounter, recently shared this story with me:

A lady came to the Foto FX counter to see her pictures, and of course we chatted a bit. She said she had just returned from a trip to Europe. While she was there, she had a similar experience in England, France, and Italy. In all of those places, when the waiter or attendant asked where she was from, she answered, “USA, Kentucky.” The response was, "Oh that's where the ark is!" and they would ask many questions. I thought it was profound that fame of the Ark Encounter was that widespread.
People all over the world have heard about the Ark! We’re excited that so many people outside the United States are curious about Ark Encounter. We hope that many of them will come to tour the Ark and will hear about the life-changing message of the gospel of Jesus Christ while they are here.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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