Bible-Based Worldview Camp to Prep Students for College

by Ken Ham on May 9, 2016

Is your young person heading off to college this fall, perhaps for the first time? Equip them beforehand to stand firm on God’s Word by sending them to Camp Infinity’s upcoming Conflicting Worldviews College Camp May 15–19, 2016.


Our young people face a world that is very hostile to the Christian faith. The world hates God’s Word and the Bible, and actively works to suppress the truth of our Creator (Romans 1:18). It’s especially difficult for young people attending secular colleges. An atheistic, naturalistic, and evolutionary worldview permeates many classes—even for students who aren’t taking a science course! Sadly, things often aren’t much better at Christian colleges. They frequently tear down young people’s faith in God’s Word, rather than building it up as they should.

It’s very important that we equip our young people to stand firmly on God’s Word, think biblically, and answer the skeptical questions of this day. Because their faith will be tested in college, they need to be able to stand strong with solid answers.

Dan Wooster, the director of Camp Infinity (Ci) and a board member here at Answers in Genesis, recently shared a story about a young lady who, after hearing me speak and recommend Ci’s college camp, decided to attend the camp. She now studies at a secular college. She emailed her professor (of an introductory biology class) about the overwhelming evolutionary content and the lack of any information on creation. The response she received highlights the intolerance and general lack of understanding that the secular world has of the biblical creation position:

“Intelligent design” and “creation science” are recognized as being fronts for people to push their fundamentalist Christian beliefs. . . . Why should I present “Intelligent Design” and not the creation myths held by other religions? It was a science class, not a religion class. . . .

Scientists don’t understand the majority of what goes on in the natural world. Just because some creation science website can list 10 areas that we don’t understand does not falsify the modern theory of evolution. But we can try to generate testable hypotheses to explain these issues, and work from there.

If you want to believe that God created the heavens and the earth, that is your right. Most, but not all, scientists believe it is useless to start with an untestable assumption.

Young people need to be firmly grounded in God’s Word so that they can stand strong as they face courses full of evolutionary content and professors who are intolerant of the biblical position. If your young person is heading off to college this fall, I encourage you to send them to Conflicting Worldviews College Camp before they go. It starts next week, so act now. They will hear from nine different speakers—a total of 14 teaching hours!—including many of AiG’s PhD scientists with degrees in various fields such as geology, astronomy, or biology. They will also tour the Creation Museum and a local secular museum of natural history. They will leave equipped to stand strong, trusting in God’s Word.

Spots are filling up fast, but there are still a few left! Register today or learn more at

Or if your science-minded person is in middle school or high school, there are camps for them too! I encourage you to check out all of the summer camps Ci offers.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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