Merry Christmas from the Wild Family!

by Ken Ham on December 24, 2015

This Christmas, Answers in Genesis and the Wild family, missionaries in a remote Asian jungle, want to give you a gift of the family’s first adventure via video download, so that you and your family can enjoy exploring God’s creation together as you watch the fascinating Wild family.

Wild Brothers

In this day and age when so many TV shows and media outlets oppose God and tear down your faith, this video is a gift worth accepting and sharing with your kids, grandkids, friends, and neighbors. This video, almost totally produced by the young brothers themselves on location, will encourage your family to be bold in your faith, to learn about creation from a biblical worldview, and to stand on God’s Word from the beginning. Your kids will love going on this adventure with the four Wild brothers, their friends, and their fantastic exotic pets!

In case you have not “met” the Wild family, they’re missionaries in the Asian Pacific, living among a remote tribe in the jungle to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to people who have never heard of Him. Mike, Libby, and their four boys shoot their own footage for their adventure shows that are for sale in our online store, write posts for their blog, and post all kinds of unique videos on their YouTube channel! You can read on their website about their life in the jungle and about the incredible ways God has used their creation evangelism ministry to draw people to Himself.

Here’s a little note from the Wild brothers:

It's Christmas! We may be thousands of miles apart, but we are thrilled to be able to give you a free download of our first adventure, Welcome to Our World! You can even download it to your phone and show your friends. Let's spread the good news about Jesus!
Merry Christmas!
—Morgan, Hudson, Kian, and Asher

All you have to do to get your free video download is go to this page and use the discount code WILDGIFT2U during check out—no other purchase is necessary. Don’t delay too long! The offer expires on December 28. Merry Christmas from the Wilds and me!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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