Ark Opening Date Contest!

by Ken Ham on November 10, 2015

Can you guess the opening date of the Ark Encounter?

Well, many of our supporters are excitedly awaiting the release of the opening date for Ark Encounter, our full-size Noah’s Ark. And you only have to wait a few more days—we’re releasing the opening date on November 12 at a press conference at the Ark site.

In anticipation of the big announcement, we’re having a competition to win two tickets to the Ark Encounter which can be used after opening day. All you have to do is log in below with your email address or through Facebook, share or follow our social media accounts for bids, and you’ll be automatically entered into the contest with that many bids. The winner of the drawing will get two free tickets to Ark Encounter to be used after it opens! But this contest only runs until Thursday at 10:30 AM, so make sure you enter today for your opportunity to win two free tickets!

This is an incredibly exciting announcement that we can’t wait to make—it’s been a long time coming! Just think, as of this weekend, you’ll be able to start thinking about a family trip to the Creation Museum and Ark Encounter for summer 2016!

I’m looking forward to heading down to the Ark construction site on Thursday for the press conference. It’s always exciting to see the progress at the site! We will be giving media representatives a tour of the Ark. And I along with geologist Dr. Andrew Snelling, cell biologist Dr. Nathaniel Jeanson, and others from AiG will be giving interviews about the Ark and the Flood. We even have special guest attending, Dr. John Whitcomb, coauthor of The Genesis Flood—the book that sparked the modern creationist movement. This will certainly be a special event, and you can be a part of it! Using the app Periscope, you can watch the press conference live. Be sure to follow @creationmuseum and @arkencounter on Twitter for a notification of when the conference goes live. You won’t want to miss this special event and announcement!

Follow me on Facebook to make your guess on when you think the Ark will be opening in 2016. I can’t wait to see everyone’s guesses. And be sure to stayed tuned to for the announcement of the opening date coming Thursday. Then you can start counting down the days until you can come see and tour the Ark for yourself!

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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