Another Religious Freedom Case in Kentucky

by Ken Ham on September 3, 2015

I'm in Northern Ireland for speaking ministry, but I hear that a religious freedom situation in my home state of Kentucky has become national news in the USA. I don't know all that has been happening with a certain county clerk in Kentucky and the issuing of marriage licenses as it relates to gay "marriage," and it’s a bit complicated (for example, nobody can fire the clerk, as I understand it, because she is elected and only voters can remove her, or if the state legislature seeks to impeach her when it convenes next year). I think it's important that we, as Christians, be informed of religious freedom cases. The clerk is reportedly standing firm on her faith in refusing to issue same-sex “marriage” licenses, stating that this would violate her conscience and would require her to directly disobey God and God’s Word. You can find out more about this case by checking national news outlets, including OneNewsNow.

I also encourage you to learn more about a religious liberty case involving AiG and our Ark project that we have filed against the state of Kentucky. I ask you to please watch the video on the page before posting any comments.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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