“Thank You for Never Giving Up”

by Ken Ham on December 31, 2014

We praise God for the impact that Answers in Genesis is having around the world. We often hear from people who had lingering questions about the Christian faith that had never been answered, but who found the answers on our website or at a conference. Or we hear from others who have been able to use our resources to share the gospel or to equip their children to stand firm in the faith. Or sometimes we receive notes written just to encourage us to keep serving the Lord. We are thankful to the Lord for these encouraging testimonies and I want to share some of them with you:

I wanted to thank you for all your efforts despite all those who attack your stand on biblical truth. Thank you, stand strong, and know your efforts are greatly appreciated. Praying for this ministry.— J.W.
Mr. Ham, I just want to thank you for never giving up. I'm sure at the level of ministry you have to function there are many deterrents and challenges. I am a church planter / missionary in northeastern Taiwan and follow the thinking set out from Answersingenesis. It feels good to have a source to go to when talking about the foundations of the universe and everything in it and how all people fit into the grand scheme of things. It makes the teaching of the Gospel a whole lot more chewable. Again, thank you for not giving up. We depend heavily on your resources. Blessings in Christ to you, your family and your ministry.— R.R.
Mr. Ham, I want to thank you for being such an influential child of God. Our family loves your studies. I began homeschooling my two boys a couple of years ago and have watched they're faith grow by leaps and bounds! Our family is currently doing the "Answers Academy" study together, and loving it. We recently went to a Christmas program at an assisted living facility, where my oldest son asked to sing. In the moments that He sang, my heart melted. I know that God lives in all of us, but to see it flow from our children is so incredibly special. For all the smiles you've put on our faces, I'd like to share a moment of my happiness with you.

Christian wants to go into youth ministry when he gets older and witnesses to everyone!—A. A.

I just wanted to write and tell you how great you and AIG are doing. I just read the Bill Nye Climate Change article and the fact that he is even talking about AIG is fantastic. He is letting everyone know about AIG and I think that's great. Also, you are being discredited for the sake of Jesus which I believe means you are making a great impact! Keep up the good work!— J.C.
We praise God that we are having an impact and we also thank all of you who generously give to our ministry to allow us to continue doing what God has called us to do. We also thank all of those who are in prayer for us. We appreciate it.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,



This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.

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