“Evidence to Back Up My Faith”

by Ken Ham on December 27, 2014

We are constantly blessed to hear from people who have been encouraged, challenged, and strengthened by our ministry. AiG staff loves hearing these testimonies and being encouraged. Here are a few that we have received via email and Facebook recently:

Ken thanks for everything you do! There is nothing more satisfying than having the evidence to back up my faith. I have never found myself in such an environment to be bullied and called names like I am today. I couldn't care less because I am here to serve The Lord and I won't be shamed from that. It helps to have science back is up though!— S.A.
10 years ago I discovered a book in a private school's library . . . it answered so many questions I had regarding Genesis and created a hunger and excitement in me to learn more. We went on to homeschool and have used AIG and Answers Academy as a valuable resource . . . throughout the years. Thank you, Mr. Ham . . . thank you for your passion and for following the call He gave you to speak truth. Eternal impacts. — G.C.
I have to thank you for being such a tool for Gods word. I have used so much of the teaching you and your colleagues has put on your website to defend the creation as God wrote it in the bible. I have yet to have any scientific proof refuting the AIG studies. Gods work is truly shining through AIG. May God protect and bless you all till we all praise him at his feet. — M.S.
My wife and I have supported AIG for many years, and I am so thankful that we have. Our church has been working toward establishing a Bible institute extension from an existing seminary that teaches about an hour from us. I was made aware through one of their apologetics classes that they consider a literal six day interpretation of Genesis 1-2 to be a "non-essential" doctrinal position for their profs. The fruit of that posture is very evident by the philosophical approach of apologetics teacher, as opposed to instruction in Biblical apologetics. Your teaching has helped me to be equipped both to identify and to combat the dangerous posture of this school. I am disappointed and grieved that these men have embraced a position that elevates natural wisdom and diminishes the Bible. Thank you for your faithfulness to the Word of God. As the Lord allows, we will continue to support the work of AIG! — M.H.
I must thank you for being here for students of Biblical Studies and those Christians needing help in the world of science. I just finished writing a paper for one of my Master’s Classes (Genesis) and this website very helpful for me to refute what the teacher has been teaching about Theistic Evolution. The books we have to read for the class and the speakers that were brought in are all about Theistic Evolution but because of you I was able to stand firm in my faith. Thank you. — R.B.
I encourage you to search the answers section of our website to find thousands of articles that can help equip you with answers to defend the hope that is within you (1 Peter 3:15).

Please continue to pray for us as we work to encourage the church to stand on the authority of God’s Word and equip Christians with answers to give to a lost culture.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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