The battle over whether to legalize gay “marriage” continues to rage across America. Thankfully, in a recent decision, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Michigan have all upheld the marriage ban against same-sex marriages.
While we rejoice that these four states—including our state, Kentucky—have decided not to allow for same-sex marriage, it is clear that, while we may have won this battle, we are losing the war across the nation. According to the Human Rights Campaign, in 33 states and the District of Columbia, gay “marriage” is now legal—and 17 of these rulings have come in this year. How has this happened so quickly? Well, we have seen a dramatic shift in recent years from people basing their thinking about marriage on God’s Word to people simply forming their opinions about marriage on what is popular. And, sadly, the church has not presented a unified front against so-called gay marriage but, instead, much of the church has compromised with man’s word and sided with culture by endorsing gay marriage. As I have been saying for years, if you reject biblical authority in one area—such as Genesis—compromise in other areas soon follows, and that is exactly what has been happening. After all, the doctrine of marriage comes directly out of Genesis! Jesus Himself reaffirmed that marriage is for one man and one woman because that is what God created it to be (Matthew 19:4–5). However, since much of the church has rejected a literal Genesis, it is no surprise that many, even in our churches, have also rejected the biblical definition of marriage.
As Christians, we need to stand boldly on the Word of God—even when it goes against the culture. It is God’s Word, not man’s, that will endure forever (Isaiah 40:8), and that is a firm foundation for our thinking (Matthew 7:24).
To learn more about what the Bible says about marriage, please visit this topic page.
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This item was written with the assistance of AiG’s research team.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.