Believers—Each One of Us Is Adopted

by Ken Ham on August 31, 2014

Some weeks ago, I shared posts from an AiG board member, his wife, and their four children who were greatly burdened to adopt a family of six children from Eastern Europe. They didn’t want to see these six children split up, and they wanted to adopt them into their family as the Lord has adopted us as believers.

This is a heart warming account, and I encourage you to read the post about when they—now a family of twelve—arrived home in the USA.

Home is so much more than a place. It is where you belong. It occurred to me that this is a glimpse of what our real homecoming one day will be like. Surrounded not just by the people of God, but in the presence of the author of life Himself.

Our friends were telling us something much more than welcome home. They were celebrating the new lives added to our family. They celebrated our adoption. They celebrated the wonderful gift of life. His people love life. We “get” adoption, particularly those of us that have been close to it. Adoption is a celebration of the new family, but for believers, it is also a celebration and reflection of the eternal father’s adoption of His children, of those that have placed their faith in His son. Each one of us is adopted.

Read the entire post at this link.

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