“Teach Them Diligently” Comes to DC Area

by Ken Ham on May 12, 2014

This Thursday through Saturday I will be speaking at the “Teach Them Diligently” conference at the Gaylord National Convention Center (very near Washington DC).

This is a homeschool conference, but anyone can attend. For those who come to all of my sessions, it will be like attending an AiG conference.

So what is Teach Them Diligently? From their web site we read the following:

Teach Them Diligently is about Gospel, Missions, and then Homeschooling.

It has always been our vision that if we bring an admittedly diverse group of believers together and magnify Christ alone, we will see unity. Following the six events we have produced so far, we have received hundreds of testimonies from families regarding how the event was a blessing, or a revival, or refreshing, even life-changing. These testimonies are an incredible encouragement to us and are a key reason we continue. To us, these testimonies show that God is moving, and they are exciting.

Of course, Teach Them Diligently features a wide variety of academic sessions and many exhibitors for the equipping and enjoyment of the attendees, but that is secondary to our primary goal of encouraging families to use their homeschooling as a tool to fulfill the Great Commission. We are after the “burning feeling” the disciples felt sitting around the table with Jesus Christ. We have not changed. This has always been our core, and we have no other agenda. This was the vision when we started three years ago, and this vision has not died. If you want to learn more, please go to our website or here for our vision.

Why do I bring all this up now? Well, as has happened so many times in the last three years, we are experiencing this tug of war regarding what we are about. There is a great divorce that is taking place in the homeschool world, and sometimes I feel that we are caught in a custody battle.

What side are we on? The truth is that we are about the Gospel and nothing more.

Read more about the praiseworthy focus of this convention. We are thrilled to be associated with such a group that first and foremost is about the authority of the Word of God and the gospel.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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