Award-Winning “Answers” Magazine Now Expanded

by Ken Ham on January 11, 2014

Who would have ever thought that when Answers magazine was first launched in 2006, it would become one of the biggest Christian magazines in the USA. It is the world’s leading creation/apologetics and Christian worldview magazine. Over the years, this publication has received many awards, including the Evangelical Press Association's “Award of Excellence” for two years in a row.

We praise the Lord that He gave AiG staff members the vision for this very needed, high-quality apologetics magazine for the whole family. It is certainly unique in the world.

Earlier this week, the publisher of Answers magazine, Dale Mason, and editor in chief, Mike Matthews, updated the AiG staff on what the magazine accomplished in 2013, and what they are working on for the future.


The magazine has updated the design and added 16 more pages, which includes an average of about five additional articles per issue. They’re also developing a fully interactive digital tablet edition (not just a “replica” of the print edition), so stay tuned for more on that in coming months.

Dale shared with me: “The year 2013 marked the 30th issue of Answers. That means 2013 also saw the 30th issue of the Kids Answers mini magazine, aimed at our youngest readers. That’s important because we’re all about reaching the next generation and equipping churches and parents—nearly 70% of new subscribers still have children living at home and they greatly appreciate these resources.”

Indeed, our ministry theme for this year is “Standing our Ground, Rescuing our Kids,” and this superb magazine is greatly helping us carry out this mission.

Statistics from our annual magazine survey also show that a huge number—84% of Answers subscribers—read most or all of the articles in each issue. Only 2% throw the magazine away after reading it—most save their back issues, and many pass them along to family or friends—or place them in public places, like doctors’ offices or libraries.

Readers even appreciate the ads we carry: 91% say they are helpful or very helpful. (We don’t just carry any advertiser, of course, but ones that we think will help our readers.) For instance, Answers magazine has become a real resources for parents looking for creationist Christian colleges for their children.

Publishing an award-winning magazine such as Answers is a huge undertaking. Dan Stelzer, the magazine’s very talented lead designer, pointed out a few statistics to our staff on Tuesday to show how much work went into just four issues in 2013: Answers published more than 145 articles from more than 40 authors (not including the many “mini” articles in each issue); those four issues included more than 155 photos and nearly 50 illustrations, of which 30-plus were created specifically for the magazine by more than 15 different illustrators.


Answers continues to improve with an expanded “Creation on Display” section, which includes some “quick-photo” features of amazing designs in nature. A new 11 x 17 inch pull-out poster on the inside back cover features stunning creation photography submitted by our readers from all over the world. The magazine has also updated the overall design to keep it fresh and professional.

Mike Matthews concluded the staff presentation with his account of the magazine staff’s recent research trip to Chicago’s famous Field Museum of Natural History to do a photo shoot. The article from that trip equips readers with the tools to visit this renowned secular museum (and others like it) to reinterpret the exhibits through biblical glasses.


Subscribers in more than 140 nations are now receiving these very practical and helpful articles in the January–March 2014 issue. I hope you don’t miss yours!

(If you don’t already subscribe I urge you to do so today—or if your subscription has lapsed, you can renew today. New subscribers and those renewing their subscription can receive up to three free video downloads too!) Go to

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