Exactly four months ago, Lowell Shoaf of Ohio began his walk from the bottom of the Grand Canyon in Arizona to our Creation Museum near Cincinnati. Lowell walked through the heat of the summer and over hundreds of hills for 1,800 miles to bring attention to AiG’s Ark Encounter project and also the group called Canyon Ministries—which leads creationist tours of the Grand Canyon.
Why start at the Grand Canyon? Well, it’s a testimony to the global Flood of Noah’s time and the accuracy of the book of Genesis.
Yesterday morning, Lowell arrived at his final stop—walking up the driveway of the Creation Museum and into our exhibit about the Grand Canyon. That’s where I met Lowell, and then I introduced him to people who were attending our private event and receiving a briefing on the Ark Encounter.
I found it amazing that a man would spend four months on the road—at the age of 66 and walking on a knee that was replaced just two years ago! He retired from his job in late May, and within a few days Lowell was at the Grand Canyon to start his journey. Once you get to know Lowell, you’ll hear his heart for evangelism and his ministry of prayer, and that is what motivated him to take this remarkable journey late in his life and on a “new” knee. In his walk, Lowell estimates that he shared his faith or prayed with more than 500 people. For those that he didn’t have time to engage in full conversation, he gave them one of his cards—see a copy of it below.
Here is a montage of some photos on a very special day Saturday at the Creation Museum:
In this photo, Lowell is less than half a mile from the Creation Museum and is rejoicing that he is just about there!
Because Lowell started his trip at the bottom of the Grand Canyon four months ago, it was appropriate that his 1,800 walk ended at the “Grand Canyon and Flood” exhibit inside the museum. Here I am welcoming him, in front of Lowell’s family and friends.
Here I am introducing Lowell to the people who attended our Ark Encounter briefing on Saturday morning at the museum.
Lowell passed out several hundred of these cards on his journey. On the back of his card, he has the verse John 17:13: “This is eternal life, that you know God and Jesus Christ whom He has sent.”
Welcome, Lowell, back to the Creation Museum and nearer to your home in Ohio! Thanks for your passion for evangelism and prayer.
For more information on the Ark Encounter that was a motivation for Lowell’s walk, go to www.ArkEncounter.com.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.