The Passing of a Wonderful Servant of God

by Ken Ham on August 20, 2013

I have some sad news to share: My long-time friend and colleague, Graham Scott, who headed up our sister group in the United Kingdom for many years, passed away yesterday. He was a very dedicated servant of God who worked tirelessly and sacrificially to proclaim the creation-gospel message throughout the UK and the rest of Europe. I will have more to say about this dear brother tomorrow on my blog.

Graham leaves behind his wife Anthea and daughter Philippa—please pray for them. Below is a 2012 photo of Graham and Anthea:

Graham and Anthea Scott

The Next Bible Bee

While I’m in Australia, I’ve asked members of our staff to provide some updates of what they are working on at AiG. The rest of today’s blog is a guest post by Roger Patterson, a member of our Educational Resources team.
For the fifth year, families across the country have been gathering during the summer to participate in the National Bible Bee. Through a 12-week inductive study of the book of 1 John, my family has learned much about the love God has for us as adopted children, abiding in Christ, and walking in a manner worthy of being a child of God.

Along with the study, many Bible passages are used as cross references to develop the ideas more fully, and show how Scripture, in all its richness, interprets itself. The families also work together to memorize some of these cross references and several passages from 1 John. The whole program is a wonderful way to get the family to study God’s Word together and grow in the faith.

All of this work comes with the reward of having God’s Word hidden in their hearts, a better understanding of how to study the Bible using many different tools, and a more solid foundation for their faith in Jesus as the Savior of the world.

But there is another reward. On August 24, local chapters of the Bible Bee will come together for contests. The students, in three different age divisions, will take a test on their knowledge of the Bible, including the material studied from 1 John, and, before the judges, recite the passages they have memorized. Having been a judge at the national contest, I can tell you that it is a true blessing to hear the words of Scripture coming from the hearts and mouths of these young students, knowing those truths will be with them for the rest of their lives.

In November, the top 100 students in each age division from across the country will gather in Sevierville, Tennessee to celebrate God’s Word and have wonderful fellowship with Christians from across the country. Once again, AiG will be at the national contest to show its support for this wonderful ministry, and my family will be there (hopefully as participants) to volunteer our service to this great endeavor.

The National Bible Bee is a truly wonderful way to “stand our ground and rescue our kids” (the AiG ministry theme for this year)—rescued from the corruption of the world. I hope you will consider spending the summer of next year discipling your family through this program.

We would ask that you pray for the local contests that will be taking place this Saturday, August 24, and that God would use the ministry of the National Bible Bee to draw many hearts to Himself.

You can find out more about the National Bible Bee at their website,

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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