Truth in Action

by Ken Ham on August 4, 2013

Truth in Action (TIA) is the name of the media outreach of a ministry that was once led by a great friend of the AiG ministry, Dr. D. James Kennedy—the late pastor of Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church in Florida and a well-known TV and radio Bible teacher. (TIA was previously called Coral Ridge Ministries.) Dr. Kennedy was also the honorary chairman of our Creation Museum during its construction.

TIA has a weekly TV program called Truths that Transform, and a portion of an interview conducted with me at the Creation Museum is being shown this week on this national program. The producers shared with us that this week’s program is about the biblical worldview:

Del Tackett and Ken Ham explain that a worldview is the lens through which we see the entire world—and that in order to work as designed, it must be built on God's truth. The world offers us lies that end in destruction, but God offers us a ‘house’ built upon the solid rock of truth. From the foundation on that solid ground, we can prosper in God's design and lead others to blessing as well.

Watch the 7:00 feature segment of this week’s program at this link.

Also, the feature story on the TIA homepage this week is about the biblical worldview.

I will be seen on future programs of Truths that Transform as I discuss a variety of topics.

Truths that Transform can be seen at various times and on different days of the week, depending on the station or network. To find the station and airtime in your area, enter the zip code into TIA’s station finder.

Potpourri of Ministry News

Some special people were at the Creation Museum on Friday—along with 1,800 others. (And we had over 2,500 visitors on Saturday—funny, some bloggers and commentators have recently been making predictions that the museum may close because of supposed low attendance, yet each year we have had attendance that has exceeded our yearly projections when we opened in 2007!)

First, the new athletic director of Bob Jones University, Neal Ring, and his wife, toured the museum for the first time. The Rings are from South Carolina, and they met up with family members who drove down from Wisconsin to join them at the museum. Here is a photo of them:

Mr. and Mrs. Neal Ring

Also, AiG’s CCO/VP of Outreach, Mark Looy, welcomed his son Jon of Pennsylvania back to the museum (Jon worked here many summers ago), and he rode our new zip line course. Here he is on line three of our 2 ½ mile course. We sometimes have 120 zip line riders in a day.

Jon Looy

And here is a photo (also taken on Friday) of staff member Stan Vandiver, who has just returned to the museum after dealing with some medical problems. When Mark learned that Stan had been awarded a Purple Heart in Vietnam, he asked Stan to bring it in. Stan is like most veterans who have seen horrific battle action—they don’t want to talk much about it. But Mark found out about Stan’s service and that he had been wounded twice—and so Mark asked him about his experiences, and Stan opened up. Mark asked Stan to bring his various service medals to work, and the photo below shows just one of them: the Purple Heart. Thank you, Stan, for your service here at the museum (along with your wife Roberta, who volunteers at AiG and has had her own recent health challenges) and for your country.

Stan Vandiver

Lastly, I wanted to let you know that our friends at the 7 Wonders Museum at Mount St. Helens in Washington—a creationist outreach—have updated their website. Take a look at the site, and find out how the 1980 eruption of Mount St. Helens has helped the creationist/catastrophist case. Go to

On tomorrow’s blog post I will share some of the wonderful reports that came out of our participation at a homeschool convention in Houston, and the reaction of secularists to it. While 6,000 people were at the convention (many of them heard my keynotes), about 15 people outside (on Saturday) protested my appearance at the meeting.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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