I Would Rather Learn More About God

by Ken Ham on April 2, 2013

We’ve had many people come to the Creation Museum to celebrate significant occasions, such as anniversaries, weddings, and birthdays. Recently, a seven-year-old girl named Anna decided she wanted to celebrate her birthday at the Creation Museum. I thought I would share her father’s January email to us because it’s a testimony to the impact we are having as we strive to share the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Hello, I wanted to let you know the impact the Creation Museum has had on my soon-to-be 7 year old daughter. We made our first visit to the Creation Museum 2 years ago. Ever since that time, my daughter Anna has been asking when we will be returning. In November we . . . won tickets to the Creation Museum in a silent auction benefit dinner. This excited Anna. Anna has a birthday coming up (February 6). We asked her what she wanted to do for her birthday. We gave her the choice of having a birthday party with her friends at a bowling alley or to go to the Creation Museum. She decided she wanted to celebrate her birthday at the Creation Museum because, to quote her, "I would rather learn more about God". Needless to say this made her mom and I very proud of her.

As such, we will be visiting the Creation Museum on February 1 and February 2 to celebrate Anna's birthday. We will be bringing with us myself, my wife, Emma (Anna's 3 year old sister), grandma, and one of Anna's cousins. I thought that it would be fantastic if the Creation Museum would surprise her with some type of birthday recognition -- that would be such a huge moment and memory for her.

She absolutely loves the Creation Museum and loves learning about God and Jesus. She shares her faith openly with everyone -- she is a fantastic witness and loves to learn about our Lord. Thank you for helping us to keep our daughter's faith strong and for keeping her so excited about God's Word. Thank you.

It’s always so encouraging to read about children who love the Lord and want to share His truth with others. And the staff at the Creation Museum did surprise Anna with a special birthday card (see below). Also, you can see Anna with her gifts.

Birthday Card - Anna Williams[1]

Anna's bday

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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