Roe v. Wade Month—Part Two

by Ken Ham on January 17, 2013

Yesterday, I wrote about the claim of a Time magazine article (which is appearing just before the 40th anniversary of the legalization of abortion by the U.S. Supreme Court): “40 Years Ago, Abortion-Rights Activists Won an Epic Victory with Roe v. Wade—They’ve Been Losing Ever Since.” Abortion statistics, sadly, indicate that this claim is not entirely true. Really, abortions remain at more than 1.2 million per year in the U.S.

Now, Dr. Al Mohler, president of Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, has written a response to Time’s claim, and his article is worth reading. But I want to highlight an important point that Dr. Mohler makes, as it relates to the culture’s rejection of God’s Word and the battle before us as believers.

Dr. Mohler writes, “In truth, America—and countless individual Americans—have a divided mind on abortion and the sanctity of human life. We are a long way from a national consensus that could be reasonably and honestly described as pro-life. Four decades after its thunderous arrival, Roe v. Wade still stands, and the death count rises. Restricting the murder of the unborn is not enough. Even reversing Roe v. Wade will not be enough. Our task is to reach the hearts and minds of America with the message that every life is a divine gift, and that abortion is not the only grave threat to that gift. Forty years after Roe, that challenge still looms before us.”

You see, we can’t simply change laws—abortion is only a symptom of a bigger problem. We have to reach the culture with the truth of God’s Word. Really, the culture, including many churches and church leaders, has lifted up man’s word over God’s Word. They believe that their fallible, changing opinions are more reliable than the Bible.

And evolutionary ideas have contributed greatly to the diminished view of life in Western culture—the view that modern man supposedly evolved over millions of years of death and suffering. It has destroyed the view that man was specially created by God, in His image, on Day Six of Creation Week. In evolutionary thinking, there is no room for God—and theistic evolutionists have to work very hard to find a way in their attempts to put God in the process that secularists use to try to explain life without God!

So, how can we turn the tide against abortion? Well, first, we must derive our definition of life from God’s Word. We can’t simply say abortion is wrong. We have to start with God’s Word:

For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; marvelous are Your works, And that my soul knows very well. (Psalm 139:13–14)

“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” (Jeremiah 1:5)

Our God makes clear in these passages that every person, including unborn babies, is known by Him and is human from the time of fertilization. You see, ultimately the only way to turn the tide is to restore faith in God’s Word as the absolute authority in every area of life, including faith, history, and science.

We also know what God’s Word states concerning the murder of another human being.

For more on the biblical view of when life begins and the issue of abortion, read Dr. Tommy Mitchell’s article When Does Life Begin? and Dr. Elizabeth Mitchell’s article Flesh and Blood.

Can you imagine being one of the Supreme Court Justices in the USA who voted for Roe v. Wade standing before God one day to give an account as to why they were a part of the deliberate brutal murder of millions and millions of children. I could not imagine being in one of those judge’s shoes. They may be the highest court of this land right now—but one day each one will answer to the highest court where the righteous judge rules and will call them to account!

By the way, Friday, the lead article on our website will be another commentary on the significance and legacy of Roe v. Wade. Check back then.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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