Creation Vacations in Florida

by Ken Ham on November 25, 2012

I wanted to let you know of one of the many “sister” ministries of ours. This one is led by Dr. Gary Parker, who has spoken at dozens of AiG conferences with me since 1994, and in the 1980s spoke alongside me at seminars throughout my native Australia.

Gary and his wife Mary encourage you to explore God’s world “up close and personal” through the special field trips and hands-on programs that they offer—mostly in Florida. Their activities are a great way to build your faith and the faith of your family—especially when the tour leaders like the Parkers are caring and knowledgeable creationists who want to relate God’s world to God’s Word.

See (and click on “CEV”), where you can read a description of five days of fact-filled family fun—including fossil digs, a fossil-hunting canoe trip, numerous hands on workshops, and a day at the beach—all taught by Dr. and Mrs. Gary Parker at their “home/museum” in Arcadia near the Peace River in beautiful Florida. Groups are limited to 25–35 (perhaps 4–6 families), and the Parkers guarantee lots of fellowship and new friendships—plus plenty of one-on-one Q and A with them. To learn more, check the website above. Spots are still open for the April 1–5 and 21–26 trips.

Dr. Parker has been doing creation seminars with me even back to my Australia days almost 30 years ago. He and I co-presented the “Understanding Genesis” video series that was filmed in Australia in the ‘80s, and people still tell me what a blessing those video talks have been to them. The Parkers also helped in the early stages in the development of our Creation Museum. Here is a photo Gary took with me on a visit to the Creation Museum.

For these April trips led by the Parkers, CEUs are being made available for teachers—who may also bring their spouses and families. Colleges are also welcome to contact the Parkers about offering spring break field trips and summer or winter short courses to augment their curricula in creation science.

See and click on “CEV.”

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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