The Return of the Robots

by Ken Ham on July 11, 2012

AiG board member Dan Wooster, who has such a heart for reaching people with the gospel at the Creation Museum, wrote this blog item about a very special opportunity coming up at the Creation Museum.

Parents, want some help preparing your children for the 21st-century job market while maintaining a solid biblical worldview? I have the perfect combination to tell you about – robotics and Answers in Genesis’ amazing Creation Museum!


STEM is an acronym found in education circles that means Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. It represents the academic rigors needed to compete in today’s high-tech, global economy. One of the best industry examples which pulls from all four of these disciplines is robotics.

Having taught college computer science the past 30 years, I saw a need to creatively engage pre-college students to consider going into one of these disciplines. So about 10 years ago I assembled a STEM Team at Bob Jones University. The team was designed to use Lego Mindstorm Robotics Kits and travel around to high schools showing young people that robotics is an excellent platform from which to gain insights into God’s Creation. I want young people to understand that technology exists to help mankind postpone the affects of the Curse in order that they might have more time to respond to the gospel, God’s permanent cure for the Curse.

One of the most exciting places the team goes is to the Creation Museum, a ministry of Answers in Genesis, located near the Cincinnati International Airport on I-275 in Northern KY. Now is the time to register your young people, grades 5–12, as well as 3rd and 4th graders as long as they attend with older siblings. The BJU STEM Team will be doing the robotics workshops at the museum August 13–18.

August 13 is a [Creation Museum] Members-Only day.

August 14–18 is for the public.

10:00 [AM] each day is a 2.5 hour program (the full workshop) for $5 with museum admission (museum members get 10% off).

2:00 [PM] each day is the abridged 1-hour program for $3.50 with museum admission (museum members get 10% off).

If you are looking for an exciting event that will expose your young person to the engaging field of robotics from a biblical worldview, pre-register for this outstanding workshop sponsored by Bob Jones University and The Creation Museum.

To pre-register simply call [the museum’s] Customer Service [line]: (800) 778-3390

Zak and Rebecca

Zak and Rebecca, two of this year’s team members, taught robotics at a home school conference at the Creation Museum in May.

Intense learning

Intense learning and excitement mark these workshops.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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