Crowds at the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on April 7, 2012

Yesterday, upwards of 2,000 people visited the Creation Museum. It has been a busy week as people from all across the USA and other countries have come to this unique world-class facility. I met people from Brazil, Canada, Australia, and Europe. We even had a Brazilian film producer with three crew members here for the past few days. They represented a TV program in Brazil.

I thought it would be good to show you some recent photographs of the Creation Museum and grounds.

It was gridlocked for just a short while yesterday as the crowds arrived at opening time, but our professional staff had things running smoothly and quickly so guests would enjoy their time:

Our Guest Services staff work hard to get the daily schedule of events ready for the visitors:

I gave a presentation on the “Relevance of Genesis” to hundreds of the visitors in our new Legacy Hall:

I met these two people from Pennsylvania with a youth group that was visiting—they made their own T-shirts for the entire group and their visit to the Creation Museum:

The spectacular meteorite collection is very popular:

Visitors just love the Creation Museum grounds, the gardens, and the wildlife:

Join the crowds and visit the the Creation Museum. Go to the Creation Museum website and find out about special programs, workshops, presentations, etc. that are offered at various times.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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