A Special Launch

by Ken Ham on January 2, 2012

AiG works closely with theologically conservative biblical homeschool groups to help homeschoolers be familiar with the best teaching resources available. Here is a guest blog from one such group about a special launch today.

Home Educating Family is happy to announce the launch of its updated blog! Grab a cup of coffee or a glass of water before you click over. You'll want to spend some time browsing articles from past issues of Home Educating Family Magazine and peek at new features. Our blog is also another place for you to chat with others in the homeschool community. We invite you to leave comments with your own opinions--tips, tricks, questions, insight, etc. The more that people interact, the more we can learn from each other's experiences!

On Thursdays you'll find a new feature called Beyond the Planner where we discuss real life: the good, the bad, and the funny. Saturdays you can stop by for special needs articles and Saturday Select, a short list of interesting reading around the internet. Make sure you visit on Wednesdays to find out what the new Weekly Giveaway is! Of course you'll find great guests and information on other days, too.So, do you have your beverage of choice in hand? Get comfy and visit us now at HomeschoolConvention.com/blog. Be sure you let us know you were there!

– Jenny Herman, Social Media Coordinator

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