Something Big Is Coming to Homeschooling

by Ken Ham on December 11, 2011

On Thursday, a few of us at AiG were involved in a series of interviews and the recording of a web based TV program—all part of something big that is coming to the homeschooling movement. This group, Home Educating Family, has decided to innovatively and very creatively use cutting edge technology to reach the homeschool community, and in many ways, I believe they are going to lead the way in providing a platform for teaching and distributing resources for homeschoolers.

I encourage you to watch this short video at this link, and you can also follow them on facebook as they lead up to their big March launch.

The following photo was taken during one of the video recording sessions on Thursday:

Some of my family were interviewed for a feature in the special magazine. You can find out more about this magazine at this link or on YouTube

We praise the Lord for the way He is raising up people to stand on His Word and provide resources to Christians in today’s increasing secularized culture.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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