282 and Counting!

by Ken Ham on August 9, 2011

You have probably heard us say that almost two thirds of Americans can drive to our Creation Museum in one day—about 190 million people live within 650 miles of our northern Kentucky and Cincinnati area. So we are not surprised to see so many different states represented at the museum on a given day; in fact, on opening day in May of 2007, our staff counted 38 different state license plates in the parking lot!

What has been somewhat surprising is the number of groups that travel some distance to the museum and also stay overnight in the area. (Just over 50 percent of museum guests are staying in a local hotel!) Our good ministry friend, Marc Jacobs of Pittsburgh (which is a five to six hour drive away), has brought many groups here over the years, and last Friday arrived with 28 more people. He’s now hosted 282 people from the Pittsburgh area in four years!

Marc sent us the following encouraging email on Monday:

We had another incredible visit. I had people approaching me all day Sunday at church thanking me for arranging the trip and expressing an excitement over their enhanced perception of the world around us. They all mentioned the need to return very soon due to information overload.

Here are two photos of Marc sharing some of the museum highlights with some in his party.

Marc Marc pointing at exhibit

If you are a five-to-six-hour drive (or less) from the Creation Museum, please don’t think there aren’t people in your church who are willing to travel here—and will help pay for the costs of renting a bus or van and stay overnight at one of the fine hotels in the area. Some groups that might be coming from less than a five-hour drive away are leaving early in the morning, spending several hours here, and then getting home that evening.

Why not talk to your pastor about organizing a trip to the Creation Museum so that you can help him build up the faith of your congregation (especially young people who are leaving the church in droves when they are in their 20s, as we discuss in the book Already Gone)? A trip to the museum will not only give your group more confidence in the authority of God’s Word, but will increase their boldness as they share their faith with family and friends in your community.

To arrange a group tour of the Creation Museum (by the way, our summer crowds will be gone soon, and you’ll have more room to roam around), go to the groups page on the Creation Museum website.

Hundreds More Young People Reached

It was thrilling yesterday to be able to speak to many hundreds of children and teens at two special school assemblies at First Baptist Church in Bossier City, Louisiana. I praise the Lord for the large numbers of young people who flock to our conferences across the nation. We are raising up generations of young people who want to boldly stand on the authority of the Word of God.

Here are some photographs of the Bossier City event.

Ken with kids Family in crowd Kid Ken with kid Kid talking with people Ken shaking hand

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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