Got Our Wheels Spinning

by Ken Ham on June 5, 2011

What a thrilling response to my recent speaking engagement in Tucson, Arizona, from missionaries to Mexico:

My wife and I were at Ken Ham's speaking event in Tucson last Sunday, and we both walked away with a challenge from Ken and a new perspective. We are missionaries en-route to Mexico, and while we are aware that America is a "Greek" or "Acts 17" culture [see Why Wont They Listen?], we wondered, what sort of culture is Mexico?

We are so grateful for your eye-opening perspective, and it got our wheels spinning on how to most effectively reach the Indians of Mexico for Christ. It was also a great reminder that while we have the term "missionary" in our job title, every believer in Christ carries that same job description. I wrote a quick blog about it. I hope it encourages you as a reminder of the impact of your ministry.

We couldn't resist buying a few books too ;).

Praise the Lord for the way this ministry reaches into other countries.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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