Yesterday in Mansfield, Ohio, at Crossroads Community Church, we were thrilled to see overflow crowds for our two school assemblies as part of our Answers in Genesis conference. So many young people, parents, and teachers came up to thank me for bringing the special messages to them.
In the sessions for kindergarten through grade six, I taught on the seven “ages” of dinosaurs (based on the Seven Cs of History we present inside the Creation Museum). For the teens (junior and senior high), I taught them how to the defend the faith against secular attacks in the areas of geology, biology, anthropology, etc.
Here are some photographs so you can share in the excitement at these programs:
K–6 session (homeschoolers, Christian school students, students who were taken out of public school for the morning, parents, and teachers)
I continue to praise the Lord for the opportunities He gives us to help train the coming generations to stand boldly and uncompromisingly on God’s Word.
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.