Mission to Africa with Buddy and Kay Davis

by Ken Ham on February 23, 2011

Yesterday morning at the AiG staff meeting, Buddy and Kay Davis gave a report on their recent exciting and encouraging missions trip to Africa (Kenya in particular). Here are two photos of Buddy as he gave the staff presentation:

You couldn’t help but be caught up in the excitement yesterday as Buddy in his unique way spoke about the people and the presentations during this special time. I encourage you to listen to the audio of Buddy’s presentation:

Buddy Davis Presentation

Here are some of the photos Buddy referred to during his presentation:

After Buddy and Kay returned from this missions trip, they sent a box full of numerous AiG resource because they were so burdened for the children they spoke to. We have now had a number of emails back expressing thanks and excitement over these books. Here is a photo Buddy and Kay received this week:

Pray for the many children and adults Buddy and Kay were able to minister to. As Buddy told us, they were so excited to receive Bibles (given out at school) and AiG books. We pray that American school children will once again be able to receive Bibles at school and get as excited as these kids were.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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