AiG Website Grows in Popularity

by Ken Ham on January 22, 2011

AiG’s “mother” website and other sites belonging to AiG have had significant growth in 2010. You may be interested in these stats based on Google Analytics (which many sites use for traffic trending, although the numbers may not be exact.)

  • had more than 10 million visits in 2010
  • had more than 5 million unique visitors
  • had more than 1 million visits (for AiG’s increasingly popular Vacation Bible School (VBS) programs
  • had more than 100 thousand visits
  • had almost half a million pageviews
With the two new web properties,, and, that brings our total visits on all properties up to 11,718,537 total visits for 2010. The total time spent on all of our sites combined for 2010 comes out to approximately 65 years!

Praise the Lord for continuing to bring people to our sites for answers to today's questions about the Bible!

And thanks to the dedicated web team who work long hours to make all this happen.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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