Christmas Town Photos

by Ken Ham on December 24, 2010

Deb Minnard, a photographer for the Creation Museum “Foto FX” booth, sent me these photos taken at the Christmas Town event.

Photographs of course don’t do justice to the entirety of the event, but they give a bit of an overview of certain aspects. Enjoy these photos, and if you want to enjoy the real Christmas Town, you can still do so on December 27, 28, 31 and finally January 1. All the details are on the Christmas Town page.

Here are the photos:

Census collectors at the entrance to the village

The Temple Guard live drama

Mary and Joseph and the baby—the live Nativity

Roman soldiers check one of the travelers

The beautiful garden lights

Another one of the beautiful garden lights

Enjoying a special dinner in the Garden Café

Please continue to pray for this phenomenal outreach event at the Creation Museum, located west of the Cincinnati Airport and off I-275.

Early tomorrow morning on my blog, look for a free download of the Nativity booklet that we are giving away at the Christmas Town events.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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