Can You Defend the Historical Accuracy of the Bible?

by Ken Ham on December 10, 2010

The Answers Outreach department at Answers in Genesis has recently taken another pro-active approach in reaching churches with the foundational truths of God’s Word, starting with the book of Genesis. Our ministry sends postcards to pastors across the country and asks them to access a survey on a website prepared specifically for them. This survey allows the pastors to honestly evaluate the spiritual depth of their congregation as it relates to the Bible. The following questions are asked of pastors on the website:

  • What percent of your congregation believes the Bible is true?
  • What percent of your people have a personal commitment to read the Bible?
  • What percent of your congregation could discuss the historical accuracy of the Bible with confidence?

Answers to the survey questions reveal a tremendous disconnect between people’s reading of Scripture versus their understanding of Scripture. The majority of pastors indicated that 75–99% of their congregation have a personal commitment to reading their Bible and believing the Bible to be true. However, they respond that only less than 25% can actually defend the historical accuracy of the Bible with confidence. Such shocking surveys of churches about the literacy of their church members regarding the Bible has allowed a ministry like Answers in Genesis to partner with churches in our area of specialization in equipping people with answers to questions such as the following:

  • Why is our Western world declining from a Christian perspective?
  • What is the Bible’s answer to the origin of “races” and what’s the solution to racism?
  • Where did Cain get his wife?
  • How do dinosaurs fit into biblical history? Were they on the Ark?
  • Do dating methods prove the earth is old?
  • Can Christian believe in millions of years?
  • How can there be a loving God with death and suffering the world?

Pastors are beginning to understand the need to equip their congregation so that they can defend the Christian faith in a skeptical culture, which is insistent on destroying the credibility of the Bible. One effective way to get answers to churches is through an AiG conference. Our Bible-affirming conferences are geared towards equipping the church to defend the Christian faith, establish the authority of God’s Word in this increasingly secularized culture, and present the gospel message effectively.

The gospel is being attacked every day and pastors need to prayerfully consider getting answers to their people so that they can be equipped to defend the Christian faith.

Go to our Answers Outreach to find out more about AiG teaching meetings/conferences. Also, you may request an AiG conference in your church/area.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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