Fallacies of the Modern Church Series

by Ken Ham on November 24, 2010

Don’t miss part three, the final part of our series entitled, “Fallacies of the Modern Church: Barriers to Equipping the Saints.” In the first two articles of this series, we have examined the context of the incident of the money changers in the Temple and whether or not our church buildings today should be viewed in the same manner as the Temple. Now it is time to wrap up this series by studying the concept of worship as it relates to the Temple and our church gatherings. I encourage you to read part three in this series.

Just in case you have missed them, here are the links to the previous two articles of this series:

Foto FX in the Christmas Spirit

Foto FX, our souvenir photo service inside the Creation Museum, is already getting in the Christmas spirit. As the Creation Museum gears up for the Christmas Town celebration here on the museum grounds (and inside), Foto FX is preparing its own celebration in support.

Following the theme of the birthplace of Jesus as the God-man, a new photo background and border has been designed for visitors to enjoy. The border uses the amazing set designs of the market place and kataluma (the first century home replica built for the Creation Museum Christmas Town event). The photo background is a special photographic image of the superb garden light display on the museum grounds. As part of the Christmas season, the new background is being offered to guests for a greatly reduced price. Here is a sample photograph showing the new festive background:

So come out for Christmas Town starting next month here in our northern Kentucky area. All the outdoor events are free (and some inside activities are at no cost, too). Dates—and the kinds of activities—can be found on the Creation Museum Christmas page.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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