Amending the code of Ethics

by Ken Ham on September 24, 2010

Christian attorney Tony Biller (board member of AiG) has written a blog post that illustrates more of the erosion of America’s once strong Christian base. Tony’s very insightful comments begin with the following:

A small group of North Carolina attorneys is working to pass special regulatory protections based upon sexual orientation and “gender identity,” which would include pedophiles, transsexuals, polygamists, and anyone else based on their stated sexual orientation or gender identity. They’re attempting to amend the code of ethics that governs licensed attorneys in NC. These radicals within the North Carolina State Bar are advancing regulations that would make it unethical for North Carolina attorneys to take “sexual orientation or gender identity” into account when hiring or when choosing which clients to represent.
Later in his blog post, he states the following:
While some members of the NC State Bar leadership apparently have radical beliefs regarding human sexuality and gender, others to include myself do not. This amendment would label it unethical to discriminate with and for whom we use our professional talents, because of their sexual practices and beliefs regarding gender. While some may disagree with my Judeo-Christian beliefs regarding human sexuality, there is not a compelling justification for labeling such beliefs unethical. In fact, I do not believe there is any justification for imposing this such a radical moral view of human sexuality on any attorney. Ironically, many forms of “sexual orientation” that would fall within the scope of this “ethics” rules are still felonies in NC. This amendment would open the door to prosecuting attorneys if they adhere to their Judeo-Christian beliefs. It would also stigmatize those who reject radical views of human sexuality.
I would encourage you to read the entire article.

Best Ever

At the final day of our pastors’ and Christian leaders’ conference yesterday, I had a number of pastors tell me that they have been to many such pastors’ conferences over the years but never to one that was anything like the AiG conference. They said it was the “best ever.”

AiG’s board chairman, Pastor Don Landis, gave a final session after the group sang a resounding “How Great Thou Art.” My brother Stephen led the singing, and I (after being dragged “kicking and screaming!”) played the piano accompaniment.

Here is a photograph of Pastor Landis giving the final presentation:

Here is a photograph of Stephen leading the song “How Great Thou Art”:

Here are other photographs taken at the final day of the conference:

The panel of speakers and other AiG staff answering questions.

Carl Kerby speaking on evolution in the media.

Mike Riddle speaking on stem cell research and cloning.

An AiG staff member, Jen Huff, playing the piano for the singing and background music.

An AiG staff member, Geri Campbell, giving a dramatic presentation on the Old Testament character Gomer to the women’s track (she also gave a dramatic presentation on Eve to the whole group).

What a tremendous conference this was! With nearly 500 in attendance, this was the first of what we hope will be an annual event, and it was a phenomenal success.

AiG has over the years been equipping church leaders and lay people to be able to defend the Christian faith and uphold the authority of God’s Word. There were many different denominations represented at this conference. Many pastors told me that more and more pastors and their congregations are rising up to challenge their denominations, colleges and seminaries, etc. concerning taking a stand on Genesis as they should be. There is so much compromise with secular ideas amongst many church leaders—and particularly the academics at Bible colleges. I believe we are going to see more and more discontent within denominations as this compromise is recognized and engaged. AiG is helping to inform pastors concerning this compromise and how to deal with it.


(Isaiah 45:22) Look unto me, and be you saved, all the ends of the earth: for I am God, and there is none else.

We desperately needed to be saved from our sins, and the Lord Jesus Christ like the serpent Moses lifted up said, Look unto me and be saved—the message we preach.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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