Answers in Genesis on 60 Minutes

by Ken Ham on April 3, 2010

No, there’s no reason for alarm. 60 Minutes didn’t show up at our doorstep recently. Instead, AiG (through our agency, JDA) went to them, with our new television spot. It will air tomorrow night on this popular news program.

Check your listings to see when 60 Minutes is broadcast in your area (it’s at 7pm for many stations in the East). At this point, we don’t know when our short TV ad will air within the hour—but look for our spot promoting our new online video Bible, which is a big part of our new “I Am Not Ashamed” national campaign (see If you can’t watch the ad as it’s played on 60 Minutes, you may view the ad on YouTube.

Please forward this blog item to your pastor and many of your friends, and encourage them to watch 60 Minutes Sunday evening—and have them learn something about our new project and the very first online video Bible. We are seeking at least 8,000 people—from all over the world—to read and record 32,000 Bible verses right from their computers. With so many video cameras built into computers nowadays, we hope to see this become a global effort.

If you would like to donate to the “I Am Not Ashamed” national campaign, which is based on the verses from II Timothy 2:15 and Romans 1:16, you can go to the donation page.

Here is a copy of the Press Release we sent out this week to local media:

“I Am Not Ashamed” Campaign Ad to Air on “60 Minutes” Sunday Evening

Local Ministry Answers in Genesis Promotes Biblical Authority


As part of a new campaign to promote biblical authority, a 15-second “I Am Not Ashamed” video commercial will air during CBS’ “60 Minutes” this Sunday evening—Easter Sunday—April 4, at 7 p.m. ET/PT.

The spot is designed to drive traffic to the online video Bible, for which participants can film themselves reading a portion of scripture, and then upload the video to the Web site.


Sunday, April 4 7 p.m. ET/PT


CBS Network affiliates (check local listings)


The purpose of the campaign is to highlight the mutual respect and appreciation that the large majority of the public has for the Bible as the Word of God, and as the authority for our lives.

Similar commercial spots began running March 1 on the Fox News Channel, and, and will continue to run through April 25. Print ads also ran March 1-3 in USA Today, featuring the slogan “The Bible speaks for itself” combined with verses applicable to issues of the day, such as abortion, gay marriage, and the place of faith in public life. This theme is carried out in an outdoor advertising campaign, with local groups sponsoring billboards in markets around the country.

The organization behind the campaign is Answers in Genesis, a biblical apologetics ministry which conducts more than 250 teaching meetings each year, hosts an award-winning Web site, and produces the “Answers” radio program heard on more than 800 stations throughout the United States. The high-tech Creation Museum opened to international acclaim on Memorial Day, 2007, and has attracted 970,000 visitors since then. For more information, see our newsroom.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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