Surprise Museum Visitor

by Ken Ham on March 26, 2010

One of the so-called "angry atheists" visited the Creation Museum last week—social/political commentator and bestselling author Christopher Hitchens. The author of God is Not Great (a hard-hitting book that takes a shot at all theistic religions—it remains very popular), he spent about 45 minutes inside the Creation Museum. I was in California at the time, and so Mark Looy (after someone spotted him inside the Creation Museum) welcomed Hitchens and asked if he wanted to engage any of our scientists in conversation (he declined—he could only spend a short time in the museum, he said). Hitchens was cordial, and even acknowledged that his brother Peter believed in a Creator and had just written a book to defend the Christian faith (it has been released in the UK but not in the USA, and so we have ordered a copy through a UK outlet; see info about his brother’s book on Amazon ).

Hitchens was in the region to give a talk at Miami University in Ohio (about 45 miles north of us). He toured the museum with Prof. Nick Money, who teaches at Miami U. and once debated me (and also Dr. Georgia Purdom of our staff) on the radio.

Here is a somewhat grainy photo taken of Hitchens inside the museum, pointing at our exhibit about the atheist who was once an evangelist, Charles Templeton. Templeton largely gave up Christianity because of evolution—plus the question of how there could be death and suffering in the world if there is a God. Perhaps Hitchens paused long enough at the exhibit to get the answer to the suffering/death question—which comes from Genesis chapter 3 and other passages in the Bible.

More Children Will Know the Truth

I met a lot of people at the recent National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville, Tennessee a few weeks ago. A teacher (Neta) sent me a follow up email and one photograph:
You were very kind at NRB to allow me to have my picture taken with you.

The kids were very excited this week when I showed them in chapel. You have been a great blessing to people you have never even seen. These [AiG] DVDs will live on longer than you can. I pray that many more children will see it and know the truth. What a legacy you have given. God Bless you and be encouraged!


(Hosea 10:12) break up your fallow ground: for it is time to seek the LORD

When our hearts grow cold and our private devotion time is choked by heartless routine it is time to break up the ground with a fresh seeking of the Lord Jesus.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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