Historic Photograph

by Ken Ham on January 4, 2010

The following photograph is very historic for me. We had two visiting families from Australia over to the house and the Creation Museum for Christmas, and it brought back many memories.

The Salmon family—Paul Salmon was the business manager for the creation ministry in Australia for many years. We developed a great relationship over that time.

The Van Luyn family—Carol also worked in the creation ministry alongside Paul for many years. In fact, Carol typed the original manuscript of my book The Lie nearly 24 years ago. Carol also organized the Australia tours Mally and I conducted for many years when we took groups of Americans to Australia.

The Carmack family—Steve and Mary (originally Mary Chivers—her husband Phil and AiG staff member passed away a number of years ago); Mary was the first employee for what became Answers in Genesis—she lived in San Diego at the time.

The Pence family—John and Lisa; John Pence was a board member of AiG for many years—he is now AiG’s full time legal counsel and planned giving coordinator.

Here is a photograph of the group we hosted for Christmas dinner—the Salmons, Van Luyns, Carmacks, Pences, and the Ham family—including my brother Stephen and his family.

The Aging of Dan

Dan Mangus, Director of Operations for the Creation Museum, turned the big 50 on Thursday. To celebrate this, various museum staff members dressed in black for the day, and, in front of Creation Museum visitors, presented Dan with a cake and the appropriate number of candles (which as you will see, he was able to extinguish successfully)! Here are some photographs of the events (including one with myself, Dan and his wife Karen and his mother who turned up for a surprise visit for the birthday celebrations):

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