Christmas Wraptor

by Ken Ham on December 24, 2009

Ever since the first time I spoke before a church audience in Australia more than 30 years ago, I have been a strong believer in the need to get resources—books and videos especially—into the hands of those who were introduced to the creation/gospel message at those meetings. People just retain the information better, and in turn share it much more effectively, when they have resources to refer to again and again.

In that regard, the “Dragon Hall” bookstore—that is part of the Creation Museum—is integral to our ministry. (In fact, we often so heavily discount certain of our resources that we barely even cover our expenses; for instance, we’re giving away a $14.99 DVD to every family that attends Bethlehem’s Blessings on the evenings of this Saturday, Monday, and Tuesday, and then January 1 and 2!)

I’m thankful for the many talented and hard-working individuals that God has brought to Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum, and that certainly includes the team that keeps things working smoothly (most of the time anyway!) in the Dragon Hall bookstore.

This week an online publication that serves Christian bookstores recognized an idea of Dragon Hall bookstore manager John Bartlett and the design efforts of clerks Amanda Ketron and Christina Richards. Take a look at the special “Christmas Wraptor” display that Amanda and Christina created! This is just another example of how God uses the talents of His people to capture the attention of our visitors. Great job, bookstore team! It’s great to see even a “trade” publication recognizing the quality of the Creation Museum.

Window Wrap
Window Wrap


Free Gift

To remind us of the Free Gift of salvation God has given us in his Son, the Creation Museum is open free to the public today (Thursday) from 10 am – 3 pm. See this special website for info on all our special events at this time of year.

Photo of the Week

Just to show you I do relax some times (even though I had to look up the definition of “relax” in the dictionary), I have included a photograph taken when Mally and I recently attended a performance in Cincinnati of Handel’s Messiah. Some of our staff who attend performances of our Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra tell me that the CSO is considered a world-class orchestra. It travels the world to give performances in the great concert halls of the world (including Europe and Japan in the past few years). When you're planning a trip to our museum, check to see if the CSO is performing and attend a symphony (in a magnificent concert hall that dates back to the 1800s)—it’s only about 25 minutes from the museum. Check the CSO website of

Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra


They have hardened

(Jeremiah 19:15) they have hardened their necks, that they might not hear my words.

For the defiant lost there is nothing wrong with our gospel—they have a neck problem, but we continue to compassionately preach so they will not end in hell.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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