Charlie and Trike Are Coming

by Ken Ham on November 8, 2009

Kids are going to love a new series of books that will be produced soon, centered around two characters, Charlie and Trike. They will also meet Charlie and Trike at the Creation Museum (early in the new year). The first book is called Charlie and Trike’s Grand Canyon Adventure—the Green Notebook Series. I have included just one of the spreads from this new book (that will be available early 2010):


With Charlie, he usually has his tail in the shape of a question mark! Kids will have fun as Charlie and Trike lead them through the Grand Canyon (and many other adventures to come in other books in the series).

Special Early-Bird Discount for Our National Conference—Ends This Month

Our national family apologetics conference “Defending the Faith” may be in July, but it’s not too soon to start planning for this family vacation. In fact, we are offering a “Super Early Bird Discount” if you sign up this month—more on that later.

Why not make a summer vacation that counts? Make special memories with your family while equipping them to defend a biblical worldview at this conference!

I will be joining many Bible teachers (e.g., Dr. Voddie Baucham—a wonderful Bible instructor—plus great talks by Dr. Herb Samforth, Bill Jack, Henry Smith, et al.) near the beautiful Smoky Mountains on July 19 – 22. This conference will offer something for everyone—new this year will be sessions especially for women and a track geared toward teens. And we’ll have worship music led by pianist and singer John Elliott, and down-home music by our own Buddy Davis.

We have also worked with some of the finest hotels in the area to provide a variety of lodging options at special discounted rates.

While in the area, you can also take advantage of some of the finest family fun the region has to offer. When you book through us, you can save $20 off each adult ticket to Dollywood (a Smoky Mountain theme park for the whole family). You can also attend the excellent musical drama The Miracle—on the life of our Savior. Tickets for The Miracle can also be purchased when you register with us and save 20%!

As we approach the colder weather, make plans now for your summer getaway. Register before November 30 and save 30% off registration.

Visit for complete details and to register.

Answers for Darwin Conference in Tennessee

Today and Monday I will be speaking in Tennessee at Faith Baptist Church, Bartlett (near Memphis). You can find out the details from the calendar on AiG’s website.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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