Georgia Contingent Here

by Ken Ham on October 13, 2009

Visitors from all across the country continue to visit us at Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum. The leadership of Noonday Baptist Church (Marietta, Georgia) made the seven-hour drive north to meet with me and tour the Creation Museum.

Noonday Baptist Church

Left to right in the photo: Ricky Zambrowicz, Chip Zambrowicz, Pastor Shad Goltz, me, long-time AiG friend Dave Geyman, Senior Pastor Billy Moss, and Pastor Jay Worthington

We heard from one of the group, and he shared the following with Mark Looy of our staff:


The museum was awesome and provided so many things that increased our faith and challenged us to demonstrate the importance of sound doctrine from the very beginning of the Bible at our church.

It was a pleasure spending the time we did with Ken Ham—we know he is busy, but the time he took was valuable and provided insight to the importance of sound doctrine being taught in the church at all age levels.

We are in our 4th week of Demolishing Strongholds [AiG curriculum for teens and young adults], and the boys are really enjoying it. In fact, a few of the boys have told me they were able to share a few things during the week at school with some friends!!! That definitely brought a smile to my face, as they are not always so eager or prepared to share their faith in that setting.

You are doing a great work—stay strong and keep the faith!

—Chip Zambrowicz

Fall Has Arrived

These two photographs taken by Foto FX photographer Deb Minnard remind us that fall has arrived at the Creation Museum and AiG headquarters:

Fall Fall

Today we arrive home from Oklahoma after a very rewarding three days of ministry at First Baptist Church of Broken Arrow. It was so thrilling last night to have so many youngsters come up to me (ages 8+) to tell me how much they loved hearing the messages.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,

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