Salvation Testimony

by Ken Ham on September 13, 2009

Last night I began a series of presentations at the “Real Life” church in Clermont, (near Orlando) Florida. We often hear testimonies of people whose lives were changed as a result of the Lord using the AiG ministry. Last night a young man and his wife told me of this man’s conversion and how the Lord used AiG in a special way to provide him with answers to questions that were a stumbling block to him. We praise the Lord for the encouragement He gives us in this ministry.

While in Town for a Wedding

In town this weekend for a wedding is Dr. Jim Lytle and his wife Diane. He’s the provost and VP at Baptist Bible College and Seminary in eastern Pennsylvania—where one of our board members, Dr. Mark Jackson, was president years ago. Jim’s nephew got married yesterday here in our Cincinnati area, so he and Diane decided to spend several hours at the Creation Museum on Friday. (By the way, three of our staff members are all getting married on the same day in October!)

Until about four years ago, Jim and Diane ministered in Durban, South Africa (for 14 years). Two of our staff members are from that country, and the Lytles got to meet one of them (Yvonne). Jim told us that the “one blood” message from Acts 17—all people are of one “race”—that is in our videos and books was very helpful in his dealings with people in South Africa in healing some of the racial problems he came across in post-apartheid South Africa.

Over the years, I have spoken a few times on the BBC campus (as have other staff). Find out more about their fine schools at

Already Gone Continues to Impact

Our book Already Gone continues to have a tremendous impact on individuals and churches. We receive many encouraging comments, like this one:
… just wanted to compliment you on the book "Already Gone" Ordered one and not even through with it, I just ordered a bulk shipment. It is right on the money on hitting on the main reason I left the church after high school. I am thrilled by your work and thank God for your ministry. Keep it up!
You can order Already Gone from the AiG website.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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