An Extraordinary Wednesday

by Ken Ham on July 23, 2009

Over 3,200 people visited the Creation Museum yesterday—twice as many on this date during the first year the Creation Museum was opened (2007)! What a busy day—and Wednesdays are usually the low attendance day for the week.

On Tuesday we had over 2500—the museum is getting busier as more and more people hear about it. Praise the Lord! In a few days we will hit the 800,000 mark for visitors since opening.

Creation College

We are thrilled that around 1200 people are attending Creation College (our week-long conference) this week, about 15 minutes from the museum—maxing out the facility where we are holding the conference. Here are some photographs:






Youth Conference

I have also enclosed two photographs taken on Tuesday evening when I spoke to around 2000 young people at the Freewill Baptist Youth Convention being held in downtown Cincinnati:




Press to accomplish

(John 9:4) I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night comes, when no man can work.

We may be tired, distracted, allured or pressed by to-do’s, but we press to accomplish the interests of the Lord Jesus Christ knowing that time is running out.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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