Photographic Tour of Indian Conference

by Ken Ham on July 5, 2009

I have enclosed a series of photographs taken Friday night and Saturday at the conference I am speaking at in New Jersey (near New York City). Although everyone is welcome to attend (and there are a number of visitors), this conference is primarily for those from the country of India—most of whom now live in the USA. My friend Dr. Joseph Paturi—president of Temple Baptist College in Cincinnati—is seen in a few of the photos.

In a session I had with young people, one young boy (10 years old) called out, “Mr Ham, I love your teaching.” He told me later he wants to be a speaker like me. It is such a thrill to see youngsters so enthused for the Word of God.

I praise God for the responses—families have told me the AiG resources have changed their lives. A young couple told me they were on the verge of walking away from Christianity but came across AiG materials—that changed their lives and they are now on fire for the Lord. I had many similar testimonies.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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