A Very Different Evening at the Creation Museum

by Ken Ham on July 4, 2009

We invite you to join us Friday, July 10, for an evening of laughter and good food at the Creation Museum as we host renowned Christian comedian Nazareth, who has appeared on national TV and recently hosted the Dove Awards at Opryland. He’ll delight you with the humor he finds in everyday circumstances. The cost for this fun evening is only $15.00, which includes admission to the performance as well as a lakeside meal grilled to perfection in our beautiful garden pavilion at 7 PM. If you prefer to just come to the performance, tickets are available for the 6 PM or 8 PM performances at a cost of $5 each. Call 800-778-3390 now to make reservations.

July 4th in New Jersey

This weekend, Mally and I are in New Jersey where I am speaking at a conference hosted primarily for people from India. However, there are quite a number of others who have also come to the conference (near New York City). So we are celebrating the 4th of July by teaching people the truth concerning God’s authoritative Word—what better way to remind people of where this nation and India need to be founded—in the Word of God!

Over 2,000

About 2,300 people visited the Creation Museum yesterday—visitors continue to pour in from across the country and around the world! Praise the Lord.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying.


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