A Young “Unreachable” Girl Is Reached

by Ken Ham on June 29, 2009

Over the years, I have received more salvation testimonies from parents concerning their children after reading the book A is for Adam than any other children’s book Answers in Genesis makes available. Many times I’ve heard parents tell me that when they got to the page where the children are asked, “Is your name in the Lamb’s book of Life?” their children have asked to pray to receive Jesus!

There is rejoicing in heaven when this happens—and we rejoice. Each life is a precious soul who is going to live for ever—with God or separated from God.

Also, over the years, and to my wonderful surprise, I have had parents of children who suffer from some form of autism tell me they were never able to get their child to learn the alphabet—but when they used A is for Adam (and/or the accompanying video—even though it is older animation technology), to their delight, they found their child being able to learn the alphabet.

I have had parents tell me they believe because the book honors God and His Word, that God specially uses this in the lives of these children who are hard to reach. If you know anything about autistic children (and those with a milder form called Asperger syndrome), they are very difficult to reach with biblical truths. As a family, my wife and I are very familiar with this situation, as my wife’s two sisters each have a son with Asperger syndrome.

Here is just another testimony received this past week that I just had to pass on to you:

. . . I wanted to send you a note with some encouraging news!! First off, I met the nicest couple . . . at the AiG booth at the . . . conference. . . . I told them about one of the books that I bought written by you A is for Adam.

I had sensed God was working in my older daughter's heart . . . age 7, since around Christmas time. What you need to understand is that [she] has aspergers [a type of autism]. Her two main weaknesses are social skills and emotional understanding.

I had been praying to God that she wouldn't have just the “head knowledge” about Him that is so prevalent with aspergers, but a relationship with him. I saw a HUGE emotional wall in her, and she didn't have the expressive skills to understand/communicate it. I started praying for the Holy Spirit to tear down that wall.

I kept telling God that He made her and that He is the only one that can reach her. In March, [she] started asking questions all the time; every day a little bit of the wall crumbled, and I kept praying. . . . I gave her your book A is for Adam on Easter, and later that night we read a few pages of it and [she] told me that she wanted to ask God into her heart too!!!!

I couldn't believe it—I was thrilled, of course!!! We talked and I questioned her repeatedly to make sure she understood and was doing this for the right reasons. So, on Easter, April 12, she prayed to ask Jesus into her heart!!

So, thank you for writing the book; thank you for persevering through all the negative commentaries. [She] has been developing a hunger for God's Word in all sort of ways—books, music, and videos.

Her body might have aspergers, but her spirit doesn't!! It's filled with the Holy Spirit!!! It's been beautiful to see. So again, thank you very, very much!!!! God sure is using you in a mighty way!!

You can find out more information on A is for Adam from the AiG website.

Reaching Another “Unreachable” Person

Recently, AiG’s Buddy Davis was ministering in Wisconsin. He sent another of those thrilling testimonies concerning AiG resources reaching an “unreachable” person:
I ran into a guy in Wisconsin that I hadn’t seen in 45 years. He is a chaplain in a motorcycle ministry. He told me of a pastor friend of his that has a jail ministry. The pastor uses Answers in Genesis material.

He related a story that there was one man in jail that he could never reach. In fact, he was very disruptive and argumentative. One evening they watched some of the AiG videos, and that man received Christ after watching them. Since then, that man has led three other inmates to Christ.

Buddy also related the following about his visit to Wisconsin:
I traveled to Wisconsin this past weekend to do a concert for a 25th-wedding-anniversary party. Darrel and Heidi Klessig were the couple who were celebrating their anniversary. I am sending you a photo of me with Darrell. He was once a bouncer for the Johnny Cash show!

They have been to the Creation Museum and Creation College and were at the AiG Defending the Faith conference in Branson last year. They are coming sometime this fall to the museum again.


Experience the Book Signing

Most of you, of course, could not come to the book signing I did at the Family Christian Store (Florence, Kentucky) this past Saturday morning–but I thought that by including a series of photographs, it would help you “experience” this event:






Resort to silent faith

(Exodus 14:14) The LORD shall fight for you, and you shall hold your peace.

When surrounded by a myriad of devastating troubles and we are tempted to speak complaints, it is better to close the mouth hatch and resort to silent faith.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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