Emails from all over the world began coming to AiG on Sunday and Monday morning right after the conclusion of our ITS (International Training Seminar) and the ITS graduates had returned to their homes. One email called the training the “experience of a lifetime” and another thanked Answers in Genesis (and its Worldwide Division) for the vision to train and equip internationals from around the globe.
So, 22 international Christian leaders have now been trained in our International Training Seminar, and each has made a commitment to take the training materials to their country and their region of the world. The potential and impact of this ministry will only be fully known in eternity.
Dr. Crandall (AiG Worldwide Director) writes:
I want to personally thank Ken Ham and all the team at AiG for making this great week of training possible and for having a missionary heart. I would like also to thank AiG supporters for funding this seminar and praying earnestly for its success.Here are a few photographs:
A good friend of the ministry who helped us with media relations with several major media outlets a couple of years ago when we opened the Creation Museum came by the museum recently (he lives near Dallas, Texas). This is what Aaron wrote us after his visit (with his wife and young son):
We want to thank you for treating us like VIPs. You have a great ministry. Today, most Christian leaders are trying to be culturally relevant and look for “alleged” common ground to meet with the unbeliever. AiG is unapologetically calling the lost to God’s solid ground where they can hear the only truth that will save them—the Bible.
Again, thank you for your great hospitality.
—Aaron C., Dallas, TX
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,Solemnize each day
(Psalm 5:3) My voice shalt thou hear in the morning, O LORD; in the morning will I direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up.
We solemnize each one of our days by solemnizing each one of our mornings with prayer to and worship of the Lord Jesus Chirst.
Answers in Genesis is an apologetics ministry, dedicated to helping Christians defend their faith and proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ.