90th Birthday at the Museum

by Ken Ham on February 15, 2009

Freida Thomas visited the Creation Museum on Friday. It was an extra-special event because her visit was planned to celebrate her ninetieth birthday. She didn’t know she was coming here, as it was a surprise planned by her three granddaughters who accompanied her.

Freida is from Madison, Indiana, and still drives to the North Madison Baptist Church every Sunday. She grew up in Kentucky and then moved to Indiana in 1954. She said she came to the Lord when she was ten years old. One of her three granddaughters who brought her to the museum is a museum member and used her ministry passes to host her family. At the time of this interview with her, Freida said she had only seen the bookstore and main hall, but she was already very impressed. Here is a photograph of Freida and her family at the museum:


Answers Magazine in Darwin Birthday Display at a Community College

It was such a thrill to receive this testimony last week:
I wanted you to see this picture with the gift-subscription of Answers magazine which I donated to our local community college . . . . I haven’t been able to afford a renewal of my personal subscription yet, but I will be sure to save up to renew this gift subscription.
Here is a photograph of the display—note the Answers magazine:


Great Response at Richmond

Not only did we have a great crowd for a Saturday AiG conference in Richmond, Virginia, but people were hungry for the materials. We ran out of some items and had to get one of our staff members to “raid” our book supplies from Lynchburg (site of this Sunday’s “Answers for Darwin” conference).

Because of low lighting, it was hard to get a good shot in the auditorium—but here are two photographs, including one of the people at the resource tables:



Today I will speak at both Sunday morning services at the hosting church (Grove Ave. Baptist). The later service will be televised on 50 or so cable channels and live on the NRB TV channel on satellite TV (DirecTV channel 378).

After the morning services, we travel across to Lynchburg for the “Answers for Darwin” conference, which begins tonight—then Monday and Tuesday evenings at Thomas Road Baptist Church (beside Liberty University). This national conference is free, by the way. I also have radio interviews and other meetings. You can find out details about the conference from the Answers in Genesis website.

Creation Museum in Sri Lanka Newspaper!

A supporter who lives in Sri Lanka sent us the following report. For those who don’t know, Sri Lanka is the island nation just south of India (used to be known as Ceylon):
This article (see below) was on the front page of the international section of the Daily Mirror, one of two big newspaper here in Sri Lanka. I attached that article for you and another regarding a law Sri Lanka Government wants to pass regarding the Anti-Conversion Bill. Interesting to know that in a country where you have about 2% Christian [there is] an article like the one on the Creation Museum and gets that much attention (and in the same paper they are talking about the anti-conversion bill!!).
Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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