New Darwin Video Series

by Ken Ham on January 28, 2009

In early 2008, our leadership and video team met to discuss what we could do for this “Darwin Year,” as secularists plan to celebrate Darwin’s 200th birthday (February 12) and his Origin of Species 150th anniversary.

At first we discussed the possibility of a special documentary—but hundreds of thousands of dollars would be needed to do anything of worthwhile quality (and even then, the secular world often spends much more than that on a documentary for television). Also, we recognized that even if we asked for such funding, often we have seen supporters just re-designate their usual giving, and it affects the general fund (and thus many of our other outreaches). And with the economic woes that eventually hit this nation, we are so pleased we didn’t embark on such a project. It would have jeopardized major parts of the AiG outreach that are needed in this nation more than ever. We also spend a lot of time as a staff praying for such decisions and for the Lord to lead us.

We also know that to produce such a documentary video would be a one-off sort of thing, and what we have found from years of experience is that even though documentary videos are useful, in the long run, teaching videos by our dynamic speakers actually get a far better response and have a much longer life. People tend to respond much more positively to well-done teaching videos.

For this reason, we decided to produce three new teaching videos on Darwin’s life:

  1. who was Darwin the man (with some fascinating insights);
  2. Darwin’s science (giving a real understanding of arguments concerning natural selection, speciation, etc.);
  3. Darwin’s impact (his legacy through the culture and education system and its connection to the undermining of biblical authority and the collapse of Christianity in the West).
The presenters are Dr. Tommy Mitchell, Dr. David Menton, and me. The programs were recorded before a studio audience last Sunday evening in a room specially set up by our video team, headed by Ben Wilt. This series will be released in a couple of months, and we are very excited about it. We believe it will be a powerful addition to all our other video items. I have included a photograph taken during the video recording session.


Please be in prayer for the video team as they spend many hours editing this series for release. Keep watch on AiG’s website, the newsletters, and email alerts for when this series will be available.

Museum and Offices Closed Today

If you have been keeping up with the weather situation in the USA, you will know that a major winter storm has hit the Midwest. A lot of ice and snow and a wintery mix (sleet, freezing rain) have affected a number of states. We had five inches of snow yesterday—which doesn’t sound much to those friends of mine who live in states like Wyoming—but then we were hit with ice, and that’s when things get very slick and dangerous. One staff member did a 180 on the interstate and ended up facing on-coming traffic. And now the temperatures are dropping and the forecasters expect the interstates to freeze, and it will become much worse throughout the day.

Because of the ice storm, many places have closed for the day. For the safety of our staff and the fact very few people would even try to get out today, we closed the Creation Museum and offices of AiG for the day.

Pray for those on the roads today—and pray for our staff tomorrow as they try to get back to work, as the roads will still be quite slick in places (in the morning in particular). As I look out my window right now, the snow is coming down on top of the ice. Another few inches of snow are expected before the storm moves out of the area this afternoon.


Take the reigns

(Luke 21:34-36) And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares. For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth. Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man. When our hearts fall into agreement with the world to jump in, indulge as much as we can of pleasures then our wills need to take the reigns & bring us to pray.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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