The Arrival of Operation Space VBS

by Ken Ham on January 13, 2009

As you may already know, this year AiG created another vacation Bible school (VBS) program to follow up on the tremendous success we had last year with Amazon Expedition. As you can see in the photo, our warehouse just received all the materials from the printer—and the photo only shows just a portion of the 40-plus pallets! Now we have to figure out where to store it all!


Operation Space is a high quality VBS program with all of the leader guides, craft & game guides, and extras that make a VBS fun and easy to teach to young people. But what sets our VBS apart from the others is the strong content. (We had so many users of our first VBS go on and on about how much “meat” we packed in, and in most cases they said it was by far the best VBS their church had ever done, both for the kids AND the adult workers!) Most VBS programs these days are not designed to equip children to defend their faith. It’s sad that they do not provide real answers to the secular/humanism and evolutionary indoctrination that children are getting from public schools and the media.

Operation Space will teach kids how they can know the Bible is truly God’s Word and showcases how the heavens declare the glory of God. They basically go to “space camp” for a week! It is also very evangelistic and an exciting way to reach out to the unchurched children in your community.

Just as your kids were equipped with Bible-based answers to questions about true history with Amazon Expedition, now they’ll be equipped to answer questions about the Bible and astronomy with Operation Space—and some of the questions answered in a really fun way in this powerful VBS are:

  • Are there aliens in space?
  • How did the universe begin?
  • What’s so special about earth?
  • How do I know the Bible is God’s Word?
  • Does science say the Bible is true?
  • What does the Bible tell us about astronomy?

Help us clear these pallets out of our warehouse and get them to the churches–and their young people—that need them! Order a “starter kit” for your pastor or children’s ministry leader to look at today! And tell them to visit for the sample videos that our video team has prepared, plus a lot more information.

You can preview teacher and leader guides, posters, and music and videos here.

The Evolutionists Across the River . . .

The wife of one of our staff members is an instructor at the University of Cincinnati, right across the river (i.e., the Ohio River) from Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum (about 25 miles away). With our museum being in the news so much, which has stirred up the local evolutionists, it’s not surprising that this large university has planned all sorts of activities that celebrate Charles Darwin’s 200th birthday next month–and the celebrations continue well past February.

See for yourself at:

Note that the North American Paleontological Convention (NAPC) is being hosted by the university this June. We expect many of the attendees to drop by our museum—and we welcome them.


Bringing in

(2 Peter 2:5) And spared not the old world, but saved Noah the eighth person, a preacher of righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the world of the ungodly.

Not seeing the responses, it seems to us a waste of time when we preach the gospel, but by preaching we are bringing in the judgment on a world of the ungodly.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying,


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