Still on the Media Radar

by Ken Ham on January 11, 2009

Globo TV from Brazil sent a film crew to Answers in Genesis and the Creation Museum on Thursday. This national network (broadcast in the Portuguese language, of course) is producing a documentary on the creation/evolution issue in America.

In this photo (taken on a cell phone), the correspondent, Marcos Uchoa, interviews our astrophysicist Dr. Jason Lisle. One of our long-necked animatronic dinosaurs is seen off in the distance.


Dr. David Menton, one of our biologists (see photo below, taken on a cell phone as well) also appeared on camera with Marcos. He happened to be positioned near our banners that mention the various international outreaches of AiG, through our department called Answers WorldWide (over 75 languages now in process where an AiG item is being translated)—a fitting setting because the reporter is Brazilian.


On the same day, Dr. Menton was interviewed by the Sunday Times of London for a piece that should be appearing in today’s edition. Check and type the word “Menton” in the Times’ search box and you may quickly find the article.

A few days before, a reporter with a Russian magazine, GEO, was here. Find out more about this general interest magazine at:

Domestically, I wanted to let you know that on January 19-20 (Monday-Tuesday next week), my talk “One Blood—The Biblical Answer to Racism” will be aired across America on the 30-minute radio program Truths That Transform. This is the radio outreach of the ministry that was led by well-known pastor and AiG friend Dr. James Kennedy, who passed away in 2007.


This being a “playoff day” for professional football in America, and the Pittsburgh Steelers are in the playoffs, I know what ministry friend (and Creation Museum member) Marc Jacobs of Pittsburgh will be doing today: watching his team doing battle with the San Diego Chargers. Now, I lived in San Diego for over 7 years, so you know who I’ll be rooting for! (I’ve actually come to understand American football now—even the concept of the “first down”—thanks to my son Jeremy, an avid, but longsuffering, Cincinnati Bengals fan.)

For the fourth time, Marc has visited the museum, this time with a group made up of his wife and two daughters, church friends, and Bible students on Friday. He has brought four groups to the museum now, totaling over 100 people who have made the five-hour drive to be with us!

Marc and his family are big Pittsburgh Steelers fans. In fact, Marc's uncle was in the “front office” staff of the Steelers in their great Super Bowl years (the 1970s), and because of his uncle's role on the team, Marc was actually allowed one time to catch some passes from the team’s great quarterback, Terry Bradshaw (you now see Bradshaw on FOX TV as a football analyst). My son Jeremy went out to meet Marc inside the museum's main hall, but he made sure he wore his Cincinnati Bengals jacket. The Bengals and the Steelers are football rivals, and so Jeremy had some teasing fun with Marc.

Marc, thanks for your “creation evangelism” efforts, but … go Chargers!

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