Creation Museum Featured on South African Websites

by Ken Ham on January 10, 2009

Some time ago, Dr. Peter Hammond, director of the ministry Frontline Fellowship of South Africa, visited our Creation Museum. This week, he released an article based on that visit. I have enclosed a copy of the piece for you that was sent out to a large email list, and it also appeared on the following websites :, and

Dr. Hammond wrote:

Thank you so very much for the kindness of all of your staff, and for your hospitality, in welcoming me to the Creation Museum. The two days I spent exploring the Creation Museum, and the many books, DVDs and invaluable resources that I was able to obtain from the Dragon Hall bookstore have continued to inspire and enrich my Biblical Worldview lectures and presentations.
Numerous of my PowerPoint presentations have included resources, illustrations and pictures from the Creation Museum. I've had the privilege of presenting a tour of the Creation Museum and other related PowerPoints to Teacher Training colleges, Bible colleges, mission conferences, universities and churches as far afield as Zambia and Zululand.
May the Lord continue to bless, guide and multiply the impact of your strategic ministries for His glory.
I do praise God for the way in which the Creation Museum and overall ministry of Answers in Genesis are made known to people around the world.

I have enclosed a copy of the article for you below:



Here is a question that was posed by someone who, we found out later, had some major struggles about his faith—but writing that after watching a video on his computer by Dr. Jason Lisle> of our staff, that the presentation “re-newed my faith in GOD, something I had lost several years ago.”

Dan’s question: “Is it possible for the speed of light to increase or (speed up) over vast distances? I am aware that the speed of light is constant, but can that speed increase with distance? I'm not a physicist, in fact I did not graduate high school so I do not completely understand the theory of relativity.”

Before we go on to the brief answer Dr. Lisle provided him, he told us some other things:

I grew up in a household that didn't go to church. However,even at a very, very young age I can remember praying and talking to God. …
Later in my teens (late 70's) God placed some wonderful friends in my life; they invited me to there church, and within a year I was saved and Baptized. But shortly after my divorce in ‘88, I started to drift further and further away from God. I could not understand how God could let divorce happen to me. Doubt had started to enter my life.
I then became very interested in the many questions I had had in my adult life: ‘Why does science say millions or billions of years and the Bible about 6000 years? Why doesn't the Bible talk about dinosaurs? Where is heaven? Where does space end and if it does what’s behind it?
I watched many shows on the History Channel and read many articles on the subject of astrophysics, science, astronomy, etc. I believed what evolutionists were telling me. I was wearing ‘evolution glasses,’ until Dr. Lisle appeared on my computer screen and helped me -- to find my corrective lenses. I now praise and thank GOD for his ‘patients’. The most wonderful story of all time is no longer science fiction to me -- it's biblical fact. Thank you.
So here is how Dr. Lisle also helped Dan, as he answered his question above about the speed of light:
According to modern physics, light has its maximum speed in vacuum, and this is always constant and cannot be affected by distance or anything else. Light slows down when traveling through a substance, but cannot be sped up by any means, if our present understanding of physics is correct.
I pray this helps. God bless as you partner with us this year to help us impact the culture, one life at a time!
It’s great to know that our scientists—with the highest of academic credentials—are quick to minister to people with “answers in Genesis.”


Cannot over pester

(Luke 11:9-10) And I say unto you, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

When it comes to prayer we cannot over pester the Lord Jesus Christ, persistent prayer benefits us as we ask, seek & knock, our dependence on Him deepens.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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