Another Set of Black and White Twins

by Ken Ham on January 4, 2009

Black and white twins are no surprise to people who have been to the Creation Museum and viewed the exhibit on the origin of “races.” This exhibit teaches that there is only one biological race of human beings with different people groups that formed as a result of the split up of the human population after the Tower of Babel. We also teach that all people have the same basic skin color—from a brownish pigment called melanin. In this exhibit we also have a photograph of black and white twins. In fact, this is all explained in much more detail in the book Darwin’s Plantation or a summary chapter in the best selling Answers Book 1.

The SUN newspaper from the UK, had this news story:

BLACK and white twins Hayleigh and Lauren Durrant proudly hold their new sisters Leah and Miya — who incredibly are ALSO twins with different coloured skin. Their mixed-race parents Dean Durrant and Alison Spooner repeated the two-tone miracle after a seven-year gap.
Ebony and ivory ... Alison and Dean Durrant with two sets of twins - Hayleigh and Leah on left, and Lauren holding Miya When the first set of twins arrived in 2001, the couple were astonished to see that Lauren took after her white mum, with blue eyes and red hair, while Hayleigh had black skin and hair like dad Dean.
You can read the rest of this article at:


Also, we reported on the story in this weekend’s News to Note feature.


Uluru is the Aboriginal name for the famous Ayers Rock in central Australia. It was a thrill to receive an email from AiG supporters who witnessed to a tour guide at this spectacular tourist stop:
We live in Minnesota and visited your beautiful home country, Australia, in October to celebrate our 40th anniversary. We are enclosing a gift for AiG so that you can continue to tell people that the earth was created by God and is young. Signs and tour guides in Australia all spoke of “millions of years.” At Uluru, we spoke up and told a tour guide and group our version of how things came to be. He said his sister believed the same as us. After we returned, we looked up the material on Australia on the AiG website. We wish we would have printed some copies to take along and distribute.
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