From Navajo Indians to Kenya

by Ken Ham on January 3, 2009

I never cease to be amazed at how the Lord uses Answers in Genesis resources around the world. Here is a very encouraging report from a family who used AiG’s VBS program:

Thank you ever so much for your wonderful VBS materials. For the past 4 years our family, along with several other families, have gone to the Navajo Indian Reservation [in America’s Southwest] to conduct a week long VBS. Last year we used your Amazon Expedition curriculum and we loved it! It was easy to use and the material was filled with truth from God’s Word. The children enjoyed the daily theme, music, crafts, games and drama. We loved Amazon Expedition so much that we have purchased the Operation Space super starter kit and cannot wait to get it in order to start looking through it and making plans for summer 2009!
We cannot end this letter without telling you that your Amazon Expedition curriculum blessed a small village in Kenya. Our oldest daughter had the wonderful opportunity to take Amazon Expedition to Marere, Kenya where she taught about 130 children the 7 C’s of History. It was a life changing experience e for her and it was our privilege to leave this great curriculum for future use at the school in the village. Please know that your posters and memory verses are hanging in a little wooden, dirt floor school house in the small village of Marere, Kenya for the children to look at often and remember the 7 C’s of History. Thank you so much for your dedication to share the Gospel. We are so thankful for the Answers in Genesis ministry and pray often.

We continue to receive phenomenal feedback about AiG’s VBS programs. To find out more about the 2009 VBS curriculum called, “Operation Space,” visit its website. You can also view a video promo with our cute ‘ORBIT’ Robot in the online bookstore!


An Answers magazine subscriber wrote:

I appreciate the exceptional quality of the materials in "Answers", especially in the last two issues. I find myself more equipped with the answers that I can give to people around me who do not believe in Creator God and veracity of the Bible. I am a Ukrainian engineer … My family and I have recently visited the Creation Museum and were quite impressed by pretty much everything, including kindness and friendliness of the staff. After that visit the Genesis Flood history became even more obvious and fearful than I realized before, although I was reading yours and other materials on the subject.

The latest Answers magazine is a special DARWIN issue! As I read through this issue, I say (as I do every issue), ‘this is the best one yet—how can they improve on this!’ If you haven’t subscribed to ANSWERS magazine, then I urge you to join over 70,000 others and do so by going to the AiG website.


Fret vs marvel

(1 Chronicles 21:2) And David said to Joab and to the rulers of the people, Go, number Israel from Beersheba even to Dan; and bring the number of them to me, that I may know it.

When our eyes are on ourselves we fret as we assess our own capabilities, it is better to keep our eyes on the Lord Jesus Christ & marvel at God’s capabilities.

Thanks for stopping by and thanks for praying


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